Thursday, April 9, 2009

My Grandmother

This post is about my grandmother.

This post is about how anyone who knows me, and knows me well, knows that I love my grandmother. That she is a very important woman in my life, and always has been. Beginning when we were little and she taught me how to play cards and extending to now when she is my House watching partner. This is about how my grandmother has taught me many things about life, most of which is that you have to love your age and the place you are at, because there is nothing you can do about it.
This post is about how much my grandmother loves her family and everyone around her. How my grandmother and her mom ... well it's a long story. But she was raised by her grandmother, whom we lovingly call Mami Jack (not really sure why, though...). About how Mami instilled many qualities into my grandmother, and many of those qualities I am proud to say I now have. This is about how the love of family is the most prominent thing that Mami possessed, right until she passed away and how my grandmother was blessed to receive this quality of love. And about how my grandmother is one of the most marvelous women I know, and I hardly have words to describe it. This post is about that.
This post is to show how she loves us so much, and never fails to let us know. From running us grandkids wherever we need to go, to sleep overs and card games, my grandmother loves to spend time with us. This post is to tell her that we know that she doesn't have a favorite grandkid, but we always like to delude ourselves into thinking we are them, and how we know that she loves all of us equally and with all of her heart.
This post is about how my grandmother is one of my heros, and I love her more than anything.

This post is about my grandmother.


Anonymous said...

My Grandmother has never really been a big part in my life, but at the end of the day, I know that she would do anything to protect me, and she truly does love me. She has given me that quality {the quality to love} as well.

Excellent post!

Anji said...

Beautiful post, honey. Nana loves you very much and you are very blessed to have her take such an active role in your life. I'm glad to hear that you know that...